суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


Salam alaikum warahmatullah I did all the steps in to getting this software but the problem is when I go to library I dont see setup. The only real issue would be with the companies that publish their books i. Assalamu Alaikum , I want to download library softwere all for learn pleas e allow me , and say how can I do it. And English books from: Brother just follow the same steps as outlined in the article above. Then Click the Region Option 4. The following link is a page on the official website that contains many links related to the Shaamila:. software maktabah al kubro

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Mateen Yousuf Barakallah feek for sharing the website. The creators of the program have their page at: Here is another way to get Maktiba to display on Windows 8 if you do not like the above mentioned way or if you only want one program to be affected by the locale being changed.


software maktabah al kubro

In that case I would suggest that you try improving your Arabic more and more, since it is very important in learning the sciences of our Deen. You can download the book in PDF format from this link: Login to quote this blog Login Close.

المكتبة الشاملة – Maktabah Shamilah

There is no version for MacBook yet. The authors write on this website: If you are on a remote location and find it difficult to identify the Qiblah direction to say your prayers, Deenwise will automatically find it based on your current location. Alhamdulillah I added kithab thuhfathul muhthaj.

Aku Muslim — Sigma album: Other sofgware have also reported problems with it.

It is weird that an error occurred during installation of the program. May Allah, rewad you in abondont.

software maktabah al kubro

Install a download manager like Gigaget. Kelemahan dan kekurangan serta segala yang kurang berkenan dihati mohon dimaafkan.

المكتبة الشاملة – Maktabah Shamilah – Islamic Library

Uncheck this checkbox to show the tashkeel. What operating system do you use? Laman Web Kamus Bahasa Arab It will prompt you when there are new books and you have internet connection. Regarding export, open the Shamila. It appears a softwae with a question mark only. How to do it? Well, there is no point in sending it by e-mail. But you can search for Urdu Islamic books in Google as.

When you download the update file, you have to put it in the directory where you have the main files and folders of your Shamila. You cannot quote because this article is private.

But at least try it and see if it works. Please modify the language options in control panel on how to enable support for Arabic programs. I have not tried it on Windows 8 myself so I do not know about that.

software maktabah al kubro

But then there are new books uploaded every now and then. If there is internet connection, it should search for new program upgrade and new books.

As far as I know, there softwarre no Urdu books for the Shamila. I have just installed Maktaba Shamila But it language is not read able. Assalamu Alaikum Wa-rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu.

As for importing books, I have explained it in the post above so please read it there.

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